
1. Upload files to your ftp server using any FTP software which you have installed at your computer (Here are tutorials on the use of several popular FTP clients:

2. Create empty MySQL database and add a user to this database. Database user should have all the rights because our script will use this user’s parameters to populate the database with needed tables
and data.

Note: To be on the safe side, it’s advised to make a backup of the whole database at least once a month. Please don’t forget to do it.
Note 2: If the script by some unknown reason was not able to create MySQL database at the very end of installation process, please create a database using .sql file in /install folder.
Note 3: Also if you have a problem of write command, please try to give CHMOD 777 to config.php file in script root.

3. Give CHMOD 777 to the folder where the script is located, and to the following folders:
../templates and to all files within “templates” folder,
../templates_c (if you don’t have these folder in “admin” and “user”, please create them)

Note: Sometimes you will have to give CHMOD 777 to public_html directory and this is definitely forbidden by most of hosting companies. You shouldn’t be worried about it because you can simply give CHMOD 777 for the period of installation and right after installation you can make the original permissions level.
Note 2: If you use Windows server, then you should either yourself give all rights to Internet Guest account for the above-mentioned folder or ask your hosting company to do it.
Note 3: Also if you have a problem of write command, please try to give CHMOD 777 to config.php file in script root.

4. Go to (where is your site name).

5. Install the script (info will be inserted by installation script and you are just to check it up and correct if something is wrong) consisting of the following steps:
— Introduction: Select language:


— Check-up of PHP settings (script will inform you what is not set correctly or absent):


— Database connection – here you should enter settings necessary for MySQL database connection. MySQL database should be created at your server prior to eLMS installation:


— Database installation:


— Creation of administrator:


Note: After installation you can face the following situation: After you enter in your browser (in the case if script is installed in your site root) you can see a blank page. Please don’t be afraid, the possible matter is in not very correct server settings. Just try to enter and you will see your site.