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The Courses Editor allows admin to check the list of active/inactive courses, add a new course. This section also includes Top Courses and Courses order to be displayed in the user mode. You can check here statistics for all courses as well.
List of Active Courses
The admin can manage all active courses at this page. There are many useful options here:
All courses are divided into categories that can be created exactly at this page, you just need to click on “Category” and create a category. Category means a topic or a class for all the courses in it. When creating a course you will be able to chose a suitable category for it.
Inactive Courses
Here is the list of recently created courses that are inactive by default. You need to go to the
Inactive Courses List to activate a course. Active courses can be deactivated as well in the list with Active Courses. All the options in the list of Inactive Courses are nearly the same as in Active Courses. You can also edit them, delete, add lessons, tests etc.
Edit course
When editing a course you can set or change main parameters for the whole course: change the category, course number, course name, author name.
You can also change Contact Hours, when students can contact you if they have questions about this very course.
Course description at first page – is a description that will be displayed on the index age of the site it set to top courses.
Image – the main image for the course.
Time limit for reading the course – it’s an option allowing administrator to set time limit for users to read this course. If you set “Yes”, you will need to indicate a number of minutes that course would be available for students.
The price – here you can indicate a price for the entire course, if it’s free you need to indicate “0” in this field.
If these options are switched on the user will see the following notice after the time is over.
Number of questions per page – if you set e.g. 2 your students will see 2 questions on the page.
Expiration date – you can set this date, so the course will be available for exact period of time, e.g. if you want your users pass this course till exact date you will be able to do it just checking the box in front of this option. After that you will see a calendar where you can chose an appropriate date.
Time limit for passing a test – the same restriction as for the course time limit.
Random choice of questions – option so your users don’t know which exact question they will get when passing a test. Under this option you will be able to set a number of questions that will be chosen randomly for each user.
Redirect students – you can redirect students to the previous question with correct answer and with wrong one as well. If the mark is important for you, you can set required passing score (%).
E-Mail test results – the system can send the results to Student, Admin, Student and Admin.
Number of test tries – it will allow your users pass a test as many times as you have indicated here.
Here you can check a list of lessons available in the course. They have their own ID and priority, it means that you can set it up to let lessons be displayed in another order if there is a mistake or you have changed your mind. You need to edit the number in the table “Priority” for the lesson that should be taken later or earlier. You can also replace lessons with each other. Just edit these numbers in fields for both lessons. And click “Change priorities” to save the changes.
This section also allows you to edit the content of your lessons. To the right of Lesson’s name there is an “Edit” button so you could go to the lesson.
In the screen shot above you can change the following:

  • edit Lesson name
  • attach a video, audio or PDF files
  • set up some options (for redirecting students to previous questions in the test, required passing score and payment option – Any lesson within a paid course can be set free. This will
    help to attract more students to a paid course and bring more payments. We recommend offering Free Introduction lessons within a paid course).

The formats available for importing files are:
‘swf’,’fla’,’jpg’,’gif’,’jpeg’,’png’,’avi’,’mpg’,’mpeg’, ‘mp3’.

eTraining system limits the size of uploaded files to 2Mb. The limitation can be changed – just edit code in 2 files:
admin/lessons_new.tpl (in 2 places)
A lesson within a course may or may not include a test. Thus, you can test your students in between lessons. This is a good opportunity for students to reverse learning material after reading it. You can redirect users to the previous questions whether they have answered correctly or not, it is up to you. If you chose the variant “redirect students to previous question with incorrect answer”, you can also set up “Required passing score”. To do it you should choose “No” answer in the field “Regardless of mark” to activate a field “Required passing score (%)”.
To edit content of the lesson you need to click on “Add/Edit lesson content” at the same page.
There will be a WYSIWYG-Editor that allows an admin to see what the end result will look like while the interface or document is being created. WYSIWYG is an acronym for “what you see is what you get”. A WYSIWYG editor can be contrasted with more traditional editors that require the developer to enter descriptive codes (or markup ) and do not permit an immediate way to see the results of the markup. You can use html or plain text and insert any pictures or links to the lesson that will make it unique.
You can also preview the lesson clicking on “Preview”.
When going to the lessons you will also see an option “Edit test”.
You will be able to add questions to the test, set a number of variants (answers), indicate a correct answer or several correct answers and indicate a priority of questions in test.
There is also an option “Import from CSV”.
CSV – Coma separated values, the file should include the following fields:
Question_ID – question ID
Question – question
Correct_answer – question correct answer (if there are several correct answers, they should be specified like: Answer1_Answer2)
Score – question score
Edit Final Exam
The structure is the same as for adding and editing lessons tests and questions. You can add your own question and import a SCV file.
This option will allow Administrator to upload a book or several documents to the course so the users could use them as help or just glossary. It depends on you what you will upload here.
The file formats you can upload to this section exclude the following types: ‘php’,’cgi’,’exe’,’sql’. It prevents your users from getting dangerous files and commands.
The Library will be available for the students when they read the course
Copy courseThis option allows Administrator to copy the course to “Inactive Courses” directory. This feature is necessary when the course is being read by the students and you would like to apply some changes to the course, add or delete lessons, update a test etc. This course will be inactive and then you will be able to activate it again. This copied course will be automatically renamed to “Coursename_COPY”. You can rename it to the initial course name and there will be 2 courses with the same name, after that you will be able to delete a previous course version.