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There are no in-built tools to change your design, but initial things can be easily done from FTP. Here are the instructions:

1. Changing your logo

Logotype image can be found here – /templates/images/logotype.gif

Size: 226 x 27 px.

Just create your own logotype and name it “logotype.gif”. Then upload it to the same location replacing the old one.

2. Changing your contact data and motto.

It’s also an image: slogan and telephone.

To change motto please upload yours here: /templates/images/slogan.gif
Size: 121 x 9 px.

To change tel, please upload your image here: /templates/images/phone.gif
Size: 144 x 10 px.

Just create your own images and name it exactly like the old ones (same format and size). Then upload it to the same location replacing the old one.

3. Change background color, replacing with a picture.

Please go to your FTP and to folder templates>pilot_3_theme>index_home_page.tpl.

There are 2 ways to add an image background:
1. Write in tag

Where PATH_TO_IMAGE – is a path to the image that wil be shown at the background.

2. Write the same in style.css
For body, but that background will be for the whole site (all pages).

body {

Some code here

background-image: url(‘ PATH_TO_IMAGE ‘);

Some code here


This will change the image.

4. Change main couple image.

This couple’s image is shown in two places:

1) On main site page – big image.

It’s done by uploading your own image to FTP.

To replace a couple image with yours please go to: /templates/images/couple.png

Size: 450 x449 px.

Just create your own images and name it exactly like the old one (same format and size). Then upload it to the same location replacing the old one.

2) On all site pages (when logged in) – small image.

It’s done by uploading your own image to FTP.

To replace a couple image with yours please go to:/templates/images/couple_inside.png

Size: 266 x 195 px.

Just create your own images and name it exactly like the old one (same format and size). Then upload it to the same location replacing the old one.

5. Template width parameter

By default, our template is dynamic. It means it stretches to match the screen size. If you need to make the width fixed (not stretching), generally, you should edit TPL files and set “width” parameter to “fixed” 80% for example. It’s done from header files.